Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Update: YouTube?

I'm so sorry that I've been MIA lately. I've been so busy with work that I haven't really had time to sit down and write or do anything for that matter! And when I do find the time, I usually spend it with my family. But, anyways, I'm back and on a new venture.

I get tons of people asking me, from work and daily life, if I would go shopping with them and help them pick out clothes because they love the way I dress. While I would love you go shopping with everyone, I don't have the resources to do so. So, I've taken to YouTube! I've decided to start a channel so I can help women of every shape and size and give them my advice on clothes. Not only am I covering fashion, I've decided to throw in some beauty tips and tutorials. I figure this will help me reach a broader audience and help get my points across in a more organized fashion.

If you follow my Instagram or Twitter, I posted out this not too long ago. It's called My Life as Liv. It's sort of like a parody to My Life as Liz, seeing as though I'm the total opposite of Liz Lee.

This is a tester video that I did at Christmas this past year. The beginning is of me doing my makeup, then I go on to show my outfit that I wore Christmas day. My mom, who is my biggest fan, watched it and loved it. This gave me the confidence to go ahead and start. I'm still getting all of the tech stuff worked out, but bare with me. I'm planning on making my videos the best they can be in order to get a better quality for my viewers.

I'm inviting everyone to subscribe to my channel to see endless amounts of beauty and fashion while also giving me any advice that you may have or any ideas on videos! All suggestions will be taken. I have a few video ideas in mind and plan on uploading once a week. Thank you in advance, and I can't wait to talk to you guys!



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