Monday, August 13, 2012

As Seen on Pinterest: Pizza Muffins

As I was sitting at home doing my daily rounds on Pinterest, I came across this little number. I love pizza, like every other American, and I decided to try it. It's a pretty simple recipe. The recipe on Pinterest used biscuits instead of pizza crust, but it all works just the same.

( All of this cost me under $10.)

Preheat your oven to 425 degrees FahrenheitMake sure to spray your muffin pans!

The pizza dough will come out in a roll.

Break it off and make into ping-pong ball size rolls.

Smash them into the muffin pan making sure to cover the bottom.

Then, spoon in the pizza sauce. I just used a regular spoon.

A pinch of cheese, or however much you want.

Three pepperonis.

In the oven they go!

Remember, 425 degrees for 9 - 13 mins. I put them in for 13 mins but took them out at 9 mins.

And voila ! 

There's not much to it, good recipe for little kids to help with or just for snacking.

Hope you enjoyed ! Happy eating !


  1. Jeffrey will shit his pants if I make these for him. I'm trying tomorrow!

  2. Neat, I should so try this for my daughter sometime... looks like something she'd eat on pretty good. I love finding great recipes on pinterest!!!

  3. Im Livi's mom and it was a great surprise to have this lovely snack prior to fixing dinner. I had never had this before it was very good
